Terms & Conditions

The Game

Buzz is located in a city, town or village somewhere in the world. If you find where he is you receive the Reward.

The Reward

The Reward is the amount as indicated at the time Buzz is found (this amount goes to the successful finder of Buzz).

The Donation

The amount called the Donation will be made directly by Buzz InCK in the finders name to the finders nominated *Animal Welfare Charity or Organisation.
*Refer Condition 11 re payment terms

The Location

The Location is selected by an algorithm that chooses the location at random, and is locked and encrypted.
The name of the location is not known to anyone other than the Auditor whom has the encrypted record available to check and verify that security has not been breached and that a correct selection has been made legitimately.

Total Pool

Throughout the game the accumulated pool will be placed in a Trust Account and audited to ensure the monetary amounts are available for payment as specified in the Terms and Conditions (T&C’s) in the app.


Note: The search for Buzz is limited to the locations listed in the app. If places are missing* or incorrectly placed, it will not affect the outcome of the search.

* Missing locations may be notified for addition or update by sending the name of the Country and name of the town/place/suburb via Twitter #tag; w@wheresbuzzapp.

Happy searching and good luck finding Buzz!